Director, Phycospectrum Environmental Research Centre (PERC)
Director, Phycospectrum Environmental Research Centre (PERC), 132, AK Block, 7th Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600040, India and Executive Editor, Journal of Algal Biomass Utilization (JABU). Assistant editor, PHYKOS. Member of Editorial Board, Seaweed research and utilization Journal.. BEST REVIEWER AWARD 2014 - Bioresource Technology Journal, Former Director, Vivekananda Institute of Algal technology (VIAT- 2006 - 2012). Former Professor and Head, Plant Biotechnology, RKM Vivekananda College, Chennai.Former Member of expert committee of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), New Delhi, on Second generation bio-fuels and of Monitoring Committee on Algal Biofuels, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and of project advisory and monitoring committee (PAMC) on CO2 sequestration projects of Department of Science and Technology (DST) and of monitoring committee in projects on algal biofuels of Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi and former Member of the monitoring committee Technology Development Board (TDB) of DST. GCBR Award 2015, for popularisation of Biological Sciences.
1. Bioremediation of Industrial Effluents, Municipal Sewage, Wastewater and CO2 Mitigation in relation to Carbon Credits & NOx Mitigation.
2. Remediation and improvement of quality of Drinking and Recreational Waters
3. Consultation for the utilization of Industrial Effluents Sludge & Municipal Sewage Sludge for the production of Biomethane.
4. Consultation for the utilization of Algae Biomass for applications in Agriculture as Fertilizers, in Aquaculture as Fish-feed, as Pigments for Industrial Applications and as ingredients for Nutraceutical & Pharmaceutical Applications.
Most of the Industries traditionally treat their effluents by chemical methods which are not only expensive but create toxic solid wastes in turn and it becomes difficult to dispose them. Phycoremediation, a technique employing algae, to treat industrial effluents and waste water. This new technology is not only safe and eco-friendly but it eliminates the accumulation of solid waste unlike in the chemical treatment. It is quite economical and at the same time oxygenates the environment by photosynthesis, hence CO2 mitigation. This methodology is quite useful in the removal of toxic waste including heavy metals, pesticide residues and other toxic chemicals.
PERC, Chennai is gearing up all its resources to become a Global Leader in the application of Phycoremediation Technologies in treating the effluents from the following:
Dairy Farms
Fish Farms
Sugar Mills
Paper Mills
Food Processing
Chemical Units
Dyeing Industries
Domestic Sewage
1.Phycoremediation is a cost- effective, ecofriendly and a safe process.
2.The micro algae employed are non-pathogenic photosynthetic organisms and they do not produce any toxic substances.
3.Phycoremediation effectively reduces nutrient load thereby reducing TDS.
4.Phycoremediation reduces sludge formation to a very large extent.
5. Phycoremediation increases dissolved oxygen levels thorough photosynthetic activity.
6. Phycoremediation keeps bacterial population under control.
7. Algal growth in the effluent also removes waste CO2 from air there by contributing to the reduction of green house gases.
8. The algal biomass has high nutrient value and can be suitable as a live feed for aquaculture.
9. The algal biomass could also be used as a Bio-fertilizer and in EM (Effective Microbes) preparations.
10. Conventional chemical treatment of effluents results in concentrating the toxic waste in the form of sludge and requires landfill. Whereas phycoremediation detoxifies and removes it for ever
11. Minimal odour compared to conventional methods of treatment.
12. Simple operation and maintenance
13. Construction and Operation Costs are typically less than half those of mechanical treatment plants (e.g. activated sludge, sequencing batch reactors)
14. Sustainable treatment solution with significant potential for energy and nutrient recovery.
Phycoremediation Technology is implemented in Three Phases viz: Laboratory Feasibility Studies, Pilot Plant Studies and Large Scale Commercial Plant. Laboratory Feasibility Studies: Laboratory Feasibility Studies shall be undertaken by us in the First Phase which includes the identification of suitable Micro-Algae species for the bio-remediation of the Effluents at Lab Level apart from standardizing various parameters for optimization of remediation efficacy.Pilot Plant Studies: After completion of Laboratory Feasibility Studies, Pilot Plant trials are undertaken. Construction of the Pilot Plant and Maintenance are carried out by the client under our guidance. Periodic Data are obtained from the Client as per our instructions for Monitoring. Large Scale Commercial Plant: Upon successful completion of Pilot Plant Studies, guidance will be provided by us for constructing Large Scale Commercial Plant. Design, Construction & Maintenance are carried out by the client under our guidance. Periodic Data are obtained from the Client as per our instructions for Monitoring
Dr V Sivasubramanian and his team have set up the First Phycoremediation plant at SNAP Industry. Algal remediation technology helps in pH correction of the acidic effluent and complete reduction of sludge formation. SNAP is now a zero disposal company. The phycoremediation plant has been in operation from September 2006. The effluent generated by the industry is highly acidic and of very high TDS (40000 mg/L). The entire effluent is evaporated using slope tank with zero sludge production. The algal biomass produced is used in Biofertilizer preparation and sold by the Company. The amount of CO2 removed during phycoremediation process has been calculated to claim carbon credit more
pH correction and decolorization of dye effluent: Laboratory level experiments have yielded encouraging results in decolourization and degradation of dye and pH correction of dye effluent using certain species of micro algae. Consultancy is being offered to field level application of this technology. Pilot plant is in operation at SUNTEX Processing Mills Pvt LTD in Gummudipoondi, Tamil Nadu, giving excellent results. Algal technology could correct the pH and prevent sludge formation. The dye bath effluent is being treated separately using micro algae. This technology is not only eco-friendly but also very economical. The complicated ETP process now being followed in various dyeing industries has been simplified. The algal biomass produced by the process is being used for composting and part of it is dried and used as a fuel. Since the process employs photosynthetic micro algae, the industry can claim carbon credits too....For a breakthrough in textile effluent treatment click here.
Svis labs India is a drug intermediate manufacturing company. This industry produces iso butyl actophenone from iso butyl benzene, which is a raw material for the manufacture of ibuprofen. The effluent generated is highly acidic (0.6 pH) and huge amounts of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is being used for neutralizing the effluent. The industry generates 10 KL of effluent per day. Micro algal technology has been developed for effective pH correction of the highly acidic effluent generated by this industry. Scaling up is in progress.
Wheels India is promoted by the TVS Group and was started in the early 60's to manufacture automobile wheels. Today, Wheels India has grown as a leading manufacturer of steel wheels for passenger cars, utility vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural tractors and construction equipment in India. The company supplies 2/3rd of the domestic market requirement and exports 18% of the turnover to North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and South Africa. Pilot scale studies on the remediation of effluent generated by this electroplating industry using micro algae are complete.
4. Chemfab Alkalis Ltd. Pondicherry:
The factory uses ground water during processing at various stages to extract useful chemicals from crude sea salt. The effluent water that is discharged has a very high salinity and TDS. Unit of Algal Physiology and Biotechnology carried out research work on treatment of waste water employing various species of micro algae including a few freshwater as well as marine forms to remove nutrients and bring down TDS. Successful results were obtained with immobilized cells of micro- algae. Work is underway to extend this technique to field conditions.
5. Orchid Pharmaceuticals and chemicals Alathur:
Dr V Sivasubramanian visited the effluent treatment facility of the industry and started working on the possibility of employing algae for remediation. Another important breakthrough Dr V Sivasubramanian has made is in control of bio-fouling in the cooling towers of Orchid Pharmaceuticals using herbal extracts. The field trial was successful and regular supply of herbal product has been commenced. The group is in the process of patenting this herbal technique for control of biofouling.
6. Ultramarine and Pigments Ltd Ranipet:
This industry produces detergents and pigments. Phycoremediation technology is being employed to treat effluent from sulphonation plant. By this technology pH correction and sludge reduction are achieved without using any chemicals. MORE....
Algal technology is being employed to treat water effluent and sludge generated during oil drilling in sea (offshore and onshore). Micro algal treatment could successfully remove mineral oil from the fine sludge to less than 1% in pilot scale trials. Trials with 500 Metric Ton sludge were successful and scale up process is on.. MORE
8. Soft drink manufacturing Company, Ahmedabad:
Algal technology to manage effluent generated at Soft drink manufacturing Company at Ahmadabad has been developed. After successful lab trials pilot scales trials are being started. Nutrient removal using micro algae is also being employed. Rapid removal of phosphates and nitrates could be achieved within 30 min of algal treatment.
Stahl is one of the world’s leading suppliers of leather processing products and also has strong positions in other selected market niche areas with proprietary products such as Permuthane®. Dr V Sivasubramanian has signed an MOU with STAHL INDIA chemicals to treat the effluent using mico algal technology. Effective removal of heavymetals has been achieved by the process of PHYCOVOLATILIZATION. Using algae to treat industrial effluents containing heavy metals presents an alternative to the current practice of using other biosorbents and physical and chemical methods. In this study, effluent was treated for the removal of heavy metals using the microalga, Chlorella vulgaris, which was isolated from the effluent itself. The results of the study show that after 8 hours, Chlorella vulgaris exhibited a better adsorption capacity under sunlight compared to laboratory conditions (i.e., 30.6 mg/g dry weight vs 10.5 mg/g dry weight, respectively). Similarly, reduction of heavy metals and mass balance in pilot-scale field studies conducted in a high-rate algal pond showed that the microalga, apart from adsorption, complexation, and entrapment mechanisms, is likely to possess phycovolatilization capability probably via biotransformation processes. Water Environ. Res., 83, 291 (2011). ( MORE)
10. Nichi -in Biosciences:
Dr V Sivasubramanian has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chennai based Indo-Japan joint venture company M/S Nichi-In Biosciences (P) Ltd., for a multifaceted research project with emphasis on microbial biotechnology and environment safety to (i) develop technology for environment friendly plastic materials, (ii) find ways to safely dispose the plastic materials using microbes and to (iii) develop and validate polymers useful for water conservation in agriculture and horticulture.This agreement would enable them collaborate on a long term basis on the above areas, initially signed for a year and further renewable thereafter. (more)
A new application of a polymer in Phycoremediation
Dr V Sivasubramanian, jointly with an Indo-Japan joint venture firm M/S Nichi-In Bio Sciences (P) Ltd, has invented a new application of a polymer in Phycoremediation. Phycoremediation is the cleaning of polluted water mainly from industrial effluents using Algae (micro organism) so that the polluted water can be re-used or disposed in an environmental friendly manner. This invention is a breakthrough, which is likely to save the cost of the industries for such water treatment and above all eco-friendly. This is the result of an ongoing collaborative research started in July 2005 between the two. For more details log on to Nichi in website
11. Perfetti van melle India: Algal technology for pH correction and sludge reduction of effluent has been developed and based on successful pilot studies scaling up is being done. By employing micro algae with heterotrophic capability residual sugars have been removed very effectively and pH correction without chemical addition has been achieved..(more)
12. Textile dyeing industry at Ahmedebad: Phycoremediation technology has been tried at pilot scale tanks at Textile dyeing industry , Ahmedabad. Dye removal and reduction in BOD and COD have beenmonitored.
13. Shree Cements, Beawar, Rajasthan: Micro algal farm is being developed to produce biomass for fuel to be used kilns. MOU has been signed to cultivate micro algae in modified raceway ponds for flue gas sequestration.
14. AGNI BIO -Bioenergy - Pellet industry at Chandigarh: Pilot trials for reduction of BOD and COD have been successful and preparations are on for scaling up.
15. Thirumalai Chemicals - Chemical Industry at Ranipet, Tamilnadu: The industry produces organic acids and generates huge amount of acidic and high TDS effluent. Algal technology has been developed to correct pH by degrading residual organic acids in the effluent with significant amount of sludge reduction. 80 KL scaled up plant is being constructed and will be in operation soon.
16. TECHNO DRUGS, Gujrat: Effleunt generated by this bulk drug manufacturing industry is being treated at pilot scale trial with algae. The results are encouraging.
17. HMEL - Crude oil terminal at Mundra, Bhuj, Gujrat: Petrochemical effluent generated by this crude oil terminal is being treated with micro algal technology at a pilot scale plant.
18. JSW Steel, Bellary, Andhrapradesh: Micro algal technology to sequester flue gas is being implemented in a large scale open tank system.
19. Pacific Rubiales, Colombia: Petrochemical waste generated by this oil drilling industry is being treated with micro algal technology at a 20 KL pilot plant.
20. ONGC Natural gas processing unit at Surat, India: Micro algal Flue gas mitigation demostration plant is being implemented in collaboration with BITS, Pilani Goa Campus.
21. DEEP CHEM - Ankhleshwar, Gujrat : Algae based effleunt treatment plant installed.
22. Pasupati Acrylon, Kashipur, UP: 550 KL large scale algae treatment plant installed to handle Gel dye effluent
23. Brintons Carpets, Pune: R/O reject is being handled with algae technology replacing MEE (Multiple Effective Evaporators)
24. Yuti textiles, India: Pilot plant set up to treat dyeing effluent successfully.
25. Hettich Appliances India LTD, Vadodra, India : Pilot plant to treat effleunt with 1500 ppm Nickel installed successfully.
26. KH Exports, Ranipet, Tamilnadu, India: Pilot plant installed to handle R/O reject from leather industry
27. Camaguey Slaughter House, Barranquilla, Colombia: With PHYCORE, a pilot plant demostration was successfully completed to handle slaughter House waste and production of algal biomass of high calorific values.
28. RANITEC, India: Pilot plant to handle leather industry effleunt
29. Gujrat Agrochem: Sceled up plant to handle R/O reject
30. Maltex, Malegaon, Scaled up plant
31. TITAN, Hosur, Scaled up plant
32. TATA STEEL, Jamshedpur, Pilot plant
Dr V Sivasubramanian is exploring the possibilities of growing micro algae in domestic sewage to produce valuable algal biomass which could be converted in to biofuel. Sewage is an excellent source of nutrients for algae. Algal technology treats sewage effectively to produce valuable biomass and remove CO2 from air thereby helping in reducing global warming.Improvised photobioreacotrs have been setup and pilot trials are on. For more information click here
Rejects from desalination plants and R/O plants are evaporated using MEEs and this generates huge amounts of sludge causiing enviornmental problems while disposal. Algal technology has been developed to effeciently treat R/O rejects with high TDS with a significant reduction in sludge. Micro algal species have been identified and developed by Dr V Sivasubramanian for this purpose and tested in field conditions. PERC has recently installed a Pilot plant at Brintons Carpets, Pune to handle R/O reject with huge success.MORE
PERC has selected a few robust and natural microalgae and customized micronutrients to support them and converted them into a product, Phycoplus. If administered, the treatment results in breaking of the dominance of the polluting algae and stripping off essential nutrients for the duckweeds to make them disappear. MORE